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The world is so big, have you ever been to strange places? Let’s explore the top 10 Weirdest Attractions in the World.

Top 10 Weirdest Attractions in the World

10. British Petrochemical Well

According to legend, Sister Shipton was a witch with prophetic powers. She successfully predicted many important historical events, including the Great Fire of London in 1666. At Sister Shipton’s Grotto, you can see the stone chamber and petrified well that are said to have magical properties. Legend has it that in earlier times, well water had healing powers, but would also turn everything it came in contact with to rock. Science has disproven the rumors, but it has not diminished the cave’s allure. Whimsical British people hung everyday objects over streams, waiting for them to turn to stone.

9. South African Big Pineapple

There is no better place to overlook the pineapple industry in the eastern Cape Province of South Africa than from the top of this giant pineapple. Climbing to the top of this 55-foot-tall, pineapple-shaped building made of fiberglass gives you a panoramic view of the scenery below. After viewing the 360-degree view, visitors can also watch movies or buy pineapple jam on the ground floor.

8. Nebraska Automobile Array

No one knows where Stonehenge came from or why it was built, but we do know that the car array was built by artist Jim Reinders and his family in memory of his father. Stonehenge is made of 38 classic cars painted silver and arranged according to the original size to imitate Stonehenge. Since the Summer Solstice Car Array debuted in 1987, other automotive artworks have been added to the attraction.

7. Icelandic Penis Museum

The Icelandic Penis Museum has a collection of more than 200 penises, covering basically all the country’s mammals. Simply put, if you’ve ever wondered what a whale’s reproductive organs look like, this is where you’ll find your answer. The museum can also be seen as a documentary, as two brave men compete to become the first and last member of the museum’s human penis specimen.

6. Australian Lobster Monument

Australia is home to many unique monuments, including oversized park chairs that can seat eight people at a time, and a giant tennis racket built in memory of tennis player Evonne Goolagong Cawley. But none are as special as Larry the Lobster. The 56-foot-tall lobster statue was built in 1979 to promote the local seafood, wine, cheese and wood industries. At the base of the Lobster is a tourist complex with a restaurant and gift shop.

5. Japanese Ramen Museum

Cheap instant noodles got you through countless all-nighters in college. Don’t they deserve a memorial museum? The Momofuku Ando Ramen Museum was built to commemorate the father of ramen and his instant noodles. The museum recreates the shack where Momofuku Ando invented “fried chicken ramen”. Visitors can visit various instant noodles from around the world, and of course, taste ramen that is not available in their own country in the restaurant.

4. British Dwarf Park

This is a tourist paradise for dwarf lovers – you can see more than a thousand dwarfs scattered in nature, more than 250 kinds of flowers, and visit the antique sculpture museum. The park also provides visitors with free rental services for pointy hats and fishing rods in the classic dwarf style, so visitors don’t have to worry about their clothing offending the little ones.

3. California Simulated Dinosaur

If you want to see California from the perspective of a T-Rex, you can climb up to the four-story-tall T-Rex replica and take a peek inside its mouth. The two simulated Tyrannosaurus Rex Mr.Rex and the simulated Brontosaurus Ms.Dinny located in California were designed and made by Claude K. Bell based on the real size of the dinosaurs. After the designer passed away, these two dinosaurs became the most famous in the world. The largest dinosaur was handed over to a religious organization.

2. Thailand Hell Garden

A “Welcome to Hell” sign stands at the entrance to the sculpture garden. The Wang Saen Suk Hell Garden in Chonburi Province, Thailand, vividly demonstrates the cruel punishment for sinners who commit mistakes during their lifetime and fall into hell after death. Needled, deformed, and disemboweled statues tend to give visitors the creeps—so it’s best to do good before coming here.

1. China’s upside-down house

In the Chinese Peasant Painting Village in Fengjing Ancient Town, Jinshan District, south of Shanghai, China, there is an inverted house that allows people to experience “dancing on the ceiling.” After entering the room, visitors need to look up to see the various furniture, from the kitchen table to the children’s room, all the furnishings in the house seem to defy gravity.

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